
29 Aug 2017 Last day in school

Today is my last day in school and last day in my class. I'm tought students in topic intention to do someting. After I observation and tought at school in Lampung.I think the students in this here different the students in Thailand because students in this here dare to express and dare to asked when they don't understand more than students in Thailand.In the class teacher give students anwers question from openion that it make students dare to speak with foreign people. 

23 Aug 2017

Today have a professor from Unila came to assessment me and visit me in the class. This is the secord class that i teach in Sman2.After she see me she told me that my strange. I have a good meterial for teach because it make students understand the topic that i teach more. And thing  to improve i must be control the students in the class.

22Aug 2017 In first class i taught in Indonesia

This is the first time i taught alone and full time at SMAN2 in Idonesia. I had so excited because fear the don't understand me but the students in this here are very good. When they don't unaderstand they can dare to express that they have a question.They don't shy if them must be go in front of the class for read dialogue. They are so exited that i taught and they want to spoke in english with me.

17 Aug 2017, Independent Day

Today is Indenpendent Day. Our school have celebrate ceremony Independent day. There are have Flagstaff invitation ceremony. The student pratice since May to August for prepare.It so beactiful and nest.   There are many activity in our school.  They are the teachers and students in our school. After that i went hungout with my student at MBK.

In 16 Aug 2017

In 16 Aug before ceremony Independent day our school will have the competition. I join sing with the student in our school.

In 14 Aug 2017

Today our school have pratice celebrate ceremony Independent day ,  And this is the frist time i met the principle of school, and i introduce myself at in front of the flagpole.

12 Aug 2017 meeting with English teacher hight school at Lumpung

In 12 Aug 2017 , I had the opportunity to attend the meeting English Teacher hight school at Lampung. I so excited because it in the frist time I attended a meeting with a teacher in hight scool at Banda Lampung. After that I went to around Lampung with my supervisor she is friendly and very kindness  This is my luch